Tuesday, 27 October 2015

What VINTAGE really is!

Many people don't know what vintage really is. I was faced in a particular situation when a girl asked me if I was wearing vintage or Ankara. Yah! The word "vintage " is so common today as fashion as moved to its direction but people don't know what vintage is.

  Let me teach you, vintage clothing is a generic term for garments originating from a previous era. It involves revisiting the fashion styles of previous centuries.
  Clothing which was produced before the 1920s is referred to as antique clothing and clothing from the 1920s to 20 years
before the present day is considered vintage. Retro , short for retrospective, or "vintage style" usually refers to clothing that imitates the style of a previous era.
Most vintage clothing has been previously worn, but a small percentage of pieces have not been worn.
  Examples of modern vintage wears are:
  1. Shirts:Modern vintage clothing is mostly focused on shirts since pants haven't changed drastically in the last few
decades. Shirts are a great way to add a
modern vintage touch to any outfit. Men's
vintage shirts are all about the polos and
the button up shirts. Look for wide stripes
and larger collars on your button-up shirts,
which will harken back to the 70s. Shirts
anchored in the 80s are easy to tie into a
modern vintage wardrobe. These 80s shirts will be very heavy in plaid patterns and slimming. To rock 70s and 80s polos, look for a shirt that is slim-fitting and in a bright color with a wide stripe. Another great way to add vintage into your wardrobe is with vintage T-shirts. Concert T-shirts and logo T-shirts like Nike and Club Med add a touch of flair, individuality and fun to any outfit. Pair a T-shirt with skinny jeans and a cardigan or dark looser jeans and a blazer for the ultimate modern vintage feel.
2. Pants: Pants haven't changed too much in the last few decades, but there are some
specific things, such as fit, that are much
different nowadays. As far as shorts go,
white tennis shorts and Champion shorts
are very 70s and 80s. Pair these with a
great modern vintage polo. If you're looking for vintage jeans, you have to choose a great Wrangler or Levi's to complete your wardrobe. A good staple of modern vintage clothing is a good pair of corduroys.
3. Accessories As far as shoes go, in any
modern vintage wardrobe you will need a
pair of Bostonians or Wing Tips. For sneakers, Chuck Taylor's have been popular since the 70s and are still in fashion. Pick up a skinny square tie from the 70s and some hats, like a fedora or pork pie hat, to complete your modern vintage look.

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